Saturday, March 30, 2019

I am, a woman, one of the 5 million persons, in India, who are Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferer- Survivor (RASS)

Nobody dies of Rheumatoid Arthritis but of illnesses that are induced by Rheumatoid Arthritis through the compromised immunity of the body.  

It is a silent non communicable disease not talked about much and not listed as a major NCD.  It mostly afflicts women leading to challenging mental states and responses. 
I am, a woman, one of the 5 million persons, in India, who are Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferer- Survivor (RASS).
I had just finished a huge project which contributed to the efficiency of one of the two National duties.  My team and I worked 18 hour days for five straight months. Even while working at the national scale I had a severe attack of Psoriasis on my hands and soles of my feet. The skin on my palms and sole was dry as caked clay and cracked. It was worrying, painful, and cosmetically ‘not nice’.  Once the Psoriasis cleared Rheumatoid Arthritis set in. All joints were affected but the hip joint. I was almost crippled, incapable of the most basic and simple mundane routine activities. I could not lift my head, my eyes hurt, body bloated and mind fogged. It was bewildering for me. 

I think that a  severe deep personal trauma, the long hours of work with indifferent diet and responsibilities were the triggers of the RA that must have been dormant in my system.

Fortunately I had and don’t have diabetes and hypertension in spite of the humongous task just accomplished and my condition. I visited different specialists and had different diagnostics conducted. But the condition kept getting worse. Finally the Senior Consultant of Internal Medicine advised a consultation with the Rheumatologist. Medication, regular follow up and temperature control put me on the path to recovery.  And I was travelling international for work after three months.  I was surprised that not having the courage to even think, leave alone attempt it, I walked up a hill to see the beautiful lake and another one to see a Dzong.  

So nothing is permanent. Everything changes. All we need to do is to be aware, make the effort and ask for help when needed. RA makes one extend the boundaries. Do things that seem impossible at certain times. So, what did I do to manage my condition to turn from sufferer to support provider? I did the following which I shared on Rheumatoid Arthritis Network- India, RAN-I,  FB page.

  • Make sure you work to reduce your stress...
  • Make sure you do some sort of workout/ exercise...
  • Make sure you reduce the 'whites' in your diet....
  • White flour sugar, common table salt, sugar, synthetic milk...
  • Instead have the greens, yellows, reds and browns
  • Nuts and crunchy leaves and seeds
  • The spices on your kitchen shelves
  • Cinnamon coriander cardamom cumin fennel oregano black pepper curry leaves basil leaves mint leaves...
  • Coconut water cucumber juice spinach juice
  • Lots of fluids...
  • Get fresh air
  • Be happy 
  • Try to chill even on a bad day
  • Watch a movie
  • Go out
  • Be informed about your treatment and medication
  • Talk to your treating physician
  • Remember there are more than one systems that can treat RA
  • A combination often works.
  • Keep warm and dry.
  • Switch on the A.C. 30 mins before you hit the bed
  • Switch it off when you hit the bed...
  • You will wake up with reduced stiffness.
  • Plan challenges that will make you work on reducing the pain and discomfort...
  • Meditate, walk in nature, make a small garden of few pots, do clay work ...all this will give you positive energy...
  • Get up....don't wait for someone to give you the glass of water
  • RA can be managed and it will not take over your life.
  • To all of you who like this page....
  • From a recovered cripple moving beyond boundaries. 
  • Much love.

THE OBJECTIVES of RAN-I are to connect for sharing of experiences, asking for suggestions, among those who are suffering, have survived and live with Rheumatoid Arthritis conditions and between RA affected and experts.
Who can join and are invited? Anyone who has the RA condition and or is caring for someone with it, nutrition advisors, skin care advisors, exercise and self management trainers, medical experts from all schools of medicine, mental health experts, and anyone else who empathizes.
This is not supported by any business interests and those with business interests are not welcome.
The reason we build this network is that in India there is no place to share and meet FOR THOSE WHO HAVE THE RA, WHICH IS PART OF an Individual's LIFE ONCE IT VISITS. The morbidity is high but unrecognized.
On February 2 2016, named as world RA day, a What’s App group called Aasha was started and has already a conversation going.
The promoter of this page and site is RA affected, who is making the best of the conditions. In the role of support provider and caring it is a prerequisite that I take care of my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. I am aware of my health, monitor the parameters regularly, aware of my diet, daily morning walk, gentle yoga, daily meditation, interact with friends,  regular work hours, reduced computer gazing and reduced stress and remove stressors. This has reduced morbidity and fogging and makes me available to support others who need only a compassionate ‘ear’,  or some advice for themselves or a parent and share information.
Join our Networks 
Nada India NCD prevention Network
Young India Network for Good Health 
Mobile 9810594544 

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1 मार्च 2025 नशा मुक्ति केंद्र Drug Rehab Center Delhi NCR मे नशे से होने वाली दूसरी बीमारियों के लिए भी बताये

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