Thursday, November 9, 2023

Breaking Barriers: A Dialogue on Challenges in Social Work and Community Well-being

Dr. Sudershan Passupuleti,

During a recent discussion at the XI Indian Social Work Congress 2023, Suneel Vatsyayan* had a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Sudershan Passupuleti, PhD, a Professor at the School of Social Work, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. This insightful dialogue took place within the corridor of the National Urdu University guest house Hyderabad.

The conversation revolved around the theme "Leave No One Behind," shedding light on the challenges faced by professional social workers in reaching those who need assistance the most.
The Stigma Surrounding Help-Seeking:
In today's society, certain groups, including adolescents, youth, women, and girls, often find it challenging to open up about issues such as non-communicable diseases (NCDs), addiction, trauma, domestic violence, and mental health. The reluctance to talk about feelings and seek help perpetuates a taboo that hampers effective service delivery at the grassroots level.

Nada Acudetox Counselling India Network: Suneel Vatsyayan shared insights into the Nada Acudetox India Network, an initiative aimed at promoting barrier-free health delivery services among marginalised communities. This network emphasises community wellness for behavioural health, encompassing addiction,NCDs and its risk factors, mental health, and disaster and emotional trauma.

Professional Social Worker's Role in Calming the Inner Self: The dialogue delved into the question of whether professional social workers can teach clients to relax from the inside out. By inducing a sense of calm and quieting symptoms, interventions aim to stimulate one's inner energy, bringing individuals into a more balanced state conducive to communication.

Primary Prevention and Engaging Clients: The conversation extended to the primary and primordial prevention levels of intervention. Can social workers treat clients before completing assessments and diagnoses to ensure a cooperative and calm environment for effective diagnosis?

Challenging Assumptions: Several critical questions were raised, challenging traditional approaches. 
  • Can social workers help clients in denial about the need for treatment? 
  • Is it necessary to confront clients/patient about  their drug use or the trauma they have experienced?
  • Is it possible to make a client relax without them losing control?
Overcoming Barriers to Engagement: The dialogue explored ways to engage clients facing various challenges, such as needy and fearful clients, those with low self-esteem and lack of hope, and trauma victims fearful of interpersonal relations. The goal is to initiate treatment at realistic levels, fostering participation and progression.

Continuity of Treatment: A vital question emerged: can clients return at any time, especially following a relapse, and still experience the benefits of treatment? This highlights the importance of creating a supportive and flexible treatment environment.

Initiating a Global Dialogue: This blog post aims to initiate a broader dialogue on the challenges faced by society and the community in general. We invite social workers, professionals, health advocates and individuals to share their insights, experiences, and solutions. How can we collectively overcome these challenges and truly leave no one behind?

Let your thoughts and experiences flow in the comments below. Together, we can build a more inclusive and compassionate society. Mobile 9810594544 

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Breaking Barriers: A Dialogue on Challenges in Social Work and Community Well-being

During a recent discussion at the XI Indian Social Work Congress 2023, Suneel Vatsyayan* had a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Sud...