Thursday, January 17, 2019

Meaningful involvement of People living With NCDs #PLWNCDs

The Healthy India Alliance (HIA) plans to develop a National Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs based on the inputs of those who took part in the five community conversations (Nada organized one such  Community Conversation among alcohol and drug using population )held in the India. Nada India Team (Ms.Nidhi,Devender Joti peer educator (PLWNCD) ,Pushpa caregiver and Suneel Vatsyayan ) participated and contributed in the Healthy India Alliance Regional Consultancy Meeting for the Northern Region in Delhi on 28th August 2018. Nada India is also part of HIA core group on patient engagement. 

 Nidhi shared her experience and feedback
There's an old conventional way of convening corporate meetings but when we work on fronts of issues related to public at large then engagement of participants in the meeting requires breaking those barriers for formal conversation , cut off the veil and talk about the real things in a realistic way.

Mr.Suneel Vatsyayan has done the same , he shaken the participants in the meeting and tried to bring their attention on the fact that as we have to focus on meaningful engagement of people living with NCDs and it's risk factors like alcohol and drugs to do the same we hv you first meaningfully engage ourself in terms of language , personal real life experiences and real life experiences of people we are talking about.
The body language was intimate and words chosen were close to human beings ,that made most people relate as to talk more openly. 
Kept sticking to and time and again asked others to focus on the topic and reality. 
Perhaps Suneel Vatsyayan Chairperson Nada India was the only one who was more experienced than others in community work.
Very purposefully conveyed his msg. Also shook people to take off mask and talk freely as one time or another we all have to face same difficulties for the purpose we are here for discussions.
 Pushpa both as Nada community worker shared her experience well.
Also as care giver she shared her true feelings. Her wounds are fresh and she needs time to heal. But her spirits are high and ver courageous lady she is.

Devender Joti one of the peer educator of Nada India shared his personal experience and professional experience well in dealing with PLWD and NCDs.

As he has worked in social sector that is unorganized work sector ,he has worked in a free environment with less obligations to adhere to certain way of work and that is good also as we are not in any race for perfection and one should not be.
Its good we as People Living with NCDs got opportunity to express ourselves freely and also hv choice for work. Nidhi Nada India Team.
What is being done and why it matters

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1 मार्च 2025 नशा मुक्ति केंद्र Drug Rehab Center Delhi NCR मे नशे से होने वाली दूसरी बीमारियों के लिए भी बताये

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