Monday, December 25, 2017

Hi I am a Nada Good Health Advocate living with addiction and NCDs.....

Hemant presented paining to NCD Alliance  
Hi I am a Nada Good Health Advocate...... Next month I am going to complete my 14 years of recovery from drugs & alcohol. For last  14 years I have been taking care of patients suffering from medical disorders like – diabetes, cancer, alcoholic lever disease and hyper tension.  These co-occurring medical problems make the treatment of substance use disorder a lot more difficult and risky. Therefore, training to handle these co-occurring disorders is very important for a person working in substance use disorder field. I believe prevention of NCDs is all in our attitudes and we need to change the attitude & belief of people towards #NCDs and people living with NCDs (#PLWNCDs).

I recently participated in the 'Our Voices Our Community' in Geneva and now will be applying my experience more confidently to handle such patients as a Nada volunteer, peer educator & care giver. The experience gained in the workshop will be utilized for the prevention of NCDs as part of alcohol & drug awareness programs. I also presented to the Nada India scroll of appreciation on behalf of Nada India NCD Network leadership to the NCD alliance.
I also gifted  one painting prepared by NCD peer educators and Good Health Advocates from Bapu camp Mandi village south Delhi slum. Nada India has been working with them for the last five years.

The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through"      - Jackson Pollock
"The workshop focused on the needs and agenda from the perspective of the people suffering from NCDs themselves or caregivers to people suffering from NCDs. Several powerful personal stories were shared by participants on how they overcame the challenges of the diseases as well as became strong advocates for bringing treatment and diagnostics to people in their countries. There was a lot of discussion on identity, participation, voices, prevention, treatment, advocacy and commitment. The participants were divided into groups to discuss and debate on the agenda items and arrive at consensus as a larger group. The debates were invigorating and the group as a whole drafted the final advocacy agenda in its language, content and important points to be presented at the NCD Forum in Sharjah as stated by Dr. Ratna another participant from Dakshma India.

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1 मार्च 2025 नशा मुक्ति केंद्र Drug Rehab Center Delhi NCR मे नशे से होने वाली दूसरी बीमारियों के लिए भी बताये

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