Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Every Child has a Right to a drug/alcohol free school….

The term ‘addiction’ brings to our minds images of hardcore drug addicts we often see near bus stands, under flyovers and at railway stations. We seldom associate this term with young school going children .Addictions were not only talked physical substances one consumes such as tobacco ,Correction fluid, alcohol or drugs, but may include habits like cell phones, video games, internet, relationships etc. Time to time ,same concerns have been shared by teachers and counselor on this aspects of the addiction or so to say habits. When a person is addicted to something he cannot control himself and becomes dependent on it to cope with daily life.

Contrary to popular belief, drug use is not a subject of hospitals and De-addiction centers only. Schools have to play a very proactive role in substance abuse prevention.Institute of counsellor training Research and Consultancy (ICTRC) organized National Convention of School Counsellors on ‘Addiction in School Children – New Age Challenges’ New Delhi last year. I was invited to speak on the subject of drug addiction among school population and role of counselor. The objective of this convention was to equip school counsellors/ teacher-counselors to deal with the complex problem of addiction effectively. Apart from general inputs on drug abuse among school going children, the following points were focused while preparing schools for substance abuse prevention.

  • At some schools it may not be possible to have two separate staff members to provide counseling and discipline. Where possible, however, those roles should be separated in order to increase the effectiveness of intervention in both areas

  • Teachers should consider their level of skill and knowledge before intervening, remembering that limitations also relate to issues such as available time, confidentiality and student acceptance. Teachers should be prepared, if necessary, to refer to or seek the advice of a drug counselor/NGO like Nada India Foundation.
Pehchaan Helpline for young people 09268441080

"Children on drugs turn to counsellors for help.. Helpline number 1800116888"

In what is coming across as a disturbing trend, school students between 10 and 16 years of age are turning to counsellors to fight drug addiction. The helpline Yuva, jointly run by the Delhi government’s education department and the State Council of Education Research and Training  (SCERT), receives five calls related to substance abuse on an average per day.

There is a strong need to adopt the following steps towards making each school "A drug free school"
  • Drug policy at school level
  • Counselor as prime mover for drug prevention 
  • Zero tolerance for substance use in the school by staff & students
  • Inclusive demand reduction policy  ............. We must realize that every Child has a right to a drug/alcohol  free school & family…

Illegal liquor in India kills five...
AMETHI, India, May 8 (UPI) -- Police said they have arrested three people, including a liquor supplier, after five people died in Amethi, India, from drinking illegal alcohol. The victims drank the liquor during an
entertainment program in a nearby ...


Senior citizen at cyber cafe.. No more a taboo

When a child saw a senior citizen in cyber cafe exploring the internet, he could not believe his eyes. it may be unbelievable for any young person but it is true and happening. Senior citizens with their grey hair  are learning the computers
                     The Nada India has announced its computer training programme for a developing community ‘Aya Nagar’ of south Delhi. the social worker was instructed to mobilize 20 senior citizens initially keeping in mind the drop outs. the ideal number  was to be 20.the program was for 20 days for 20 people starting from1st of April to20th April with the arrangement of proper lunch.
                     The journey of 20 days began with first 15 senior citizens including male and female.the  Cyber cafe was fixed to be the learning center.As the days progressed,the ideal number also achieved.the senior citizens were provided with Kit .The senior citizens has started learning computer step by step from basics like mouse control to exploration of took some days on the pert of senior citizens to get acclimatize with a stationery mouse and a large keyboard.
      The senior citizens has learn various tools of computer in progression.firstly, they learnt the the mouse control and mouse functioning.secondly they learnt the MS-word and its tools and bars.they enhanced their typing skills on MS-word.thirdly , they embarked upon the world wide web by successfully creating an e-mail account.the e-mail account helped in then in communication not only to their fellows but also to Nada office.
   Slow learners took time to learn.their interest was developed by involving them in painting and this way,the whole group was getting trained to use the computer effectively and easily.Finally, the senior citizens learn to use the other websites like of railways,Delhi government services etc..some also enjoyed the games while studying.
            After classes , they have been provided fruit juices, cookies, ice-creams and other items every class day.they were enormously enjoying their lunch.
  The computer training program is not only aimed at teaching usage of computer and internet. It has multipurpose rolled in a training program.this program was only a medium to integrate the left out senior citizens inti main-stream.Firstly , the program minimized their boredom by uniting them for a learning from which they have been deprived which becomes necessity today.Secondly, it created sense of belonging among the group and geared their mobility rate.Fourthly, the basic purpose of the program was to train them in using computer so that they can be familiar with this technology advancement.after learning,they felt confident , more knowledgeable ,and familiar with new tools of mass communication which ultimatelt leads to empowerment.Fifthly , they can easily keep a check on their children who sits glued to computer unlimited hours and can be assimilated in their pursuits. Finally,it leaves the group united to take some initiatives for their community development by using technology and mass communication.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ignoring health warning signs ….. I lost my trust

Most of us may know that two out of every three Indians suffer from gum problems and they may be aware of it also. Blood can be the sign of bigger gum problems if left untreated. True isn’t it? And one should not ignore the warning signs our body gives as part of “Body wisdom”. The story won’t stop here...
You may also know that there is a yawning gap between health care provider (Physician/Dentist) and consumer (patient). Most of us learn to negotiate with our physician in early childhood by accepting the bitter medicine in lieu of injection shown by the physician as a weapon. My physician had a successful deal with me and my parents were happy and they got the formula to win each time, I was not well. But, there was something happened within me as a child, I lost the trust not only of a physician in particular but medical community as whole. I never wanted to see a doctor; the script was written for the life of that child and the link was missed to that script as well.
To start off with an identity of a patient has excluded the majority of people who are not ready or interested in seeing a dentist or taking on this new identity or disease.  It is important to keep in mind that a statement such as ‘I have a problem’ or ‘I think I should have to see a dentist ’ or ‘I have to do something about this’ is not the same as a resolution to change in the near future as part of internal dialogue.  I mean, there’s the health issue. You know, I need to sort myself out because of the … the deteriorating gums or so to say blood I see but do nothing for it and ignore the body wisdom too”  because I lost my trust. 

1 मार्च 2025 नशा मुक्ति केंद्र Drug Rehab Center Delhi NCR मे नशे से होने वाली दूसरी बीमारियों के लिए भी बताये

व्यवहारिक एवं स्वास्थ्य संकेत और लक्षण – प्रारंभिक जाँच सूची (Peer-Led Rehabilitation Centre में भर्ती के समय उपयोग के लिए) ✅ मानसिक और भावन...